This well known comedy is full of the madness that follows the appointment of a female Vicar to an English village parish.
When: Sundays in August, commencing Sunday 9th August
Matinees at 2.00pm
Evenings at 7.00 pm
Phone: 02 6921 2594
email: [email protected]
or click on this link:
Due to COVID-19 regulations etc, the audience numbers are limited to 23 per show and tickets must be paid for before the show- so it will be first in best dressed, and seats will be allocated at the door according to booking group sizes. A waiting list will be kept in case of booking cancellations. Please contact the SoACT office for details.
Additional Details
Event Date - 9 August 20
Event Time -
Start Date - 24 January 25
Start Time - 12:00 AM
End Date - 24 January 25
End Time -
Booking Link -