The exciting play Death by Design by Rob Urbinati is being directed by Kylie Gilmore, a young director who chose this well written script for the wit, intrigue, and the strong combined flavours of Noel Coward and Agatha Christie.

Kylie has selected a strong cast of local talent for this production. Some very well known actors and some fresh faces. Members of the Cast include. Tim Stait, Tracey Lonergan, Diana Lovett, Tony Trench, Craig Dixon, Blake Smith, Saasha Mc Millan, and Antonella Salvestro.

The play takes place in 1932 at the British country home of playwright Edward Bennett (Tim Stait) and his actress wife Sorel Bennett (Tracey Lonergan). The colourful group of friends who come to spend the weekend in the country create an air of theatrical glamour; whilst they witness a comic murder plot designed by the housekeeper.

Mystery mayhem and lots of laughter are the key ingredients of this clever script.