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2013 ProductionsCalendar Girls

Calendar Girls Auditions – a reminder

Auditions will be held on Saturday February 23 for roles in SoACT’s next production, CALENDAR GIRLS, which will be staged in the Basement Theatre from April 11 to 21.
The stage play is an adaptation of the 2003 film starring Helen Mirren and Julie Walters. The story revolves around the members of a Women’s Institute in the north of England who decide to produce a nude magazine as a fundraising event. There are a number of female roles available as well as a few male roles.
If you are interested in auditioning please phone the SoACT office on 6921 2594 for an appointment on Saturday – leave a message if the office is unattended. For the audition you will be asked to read one or more scenes from the play. If you have a prepared piece be ready to do it, but this is not a prerequisite.
For more information, or if you would like to audition but can’t make it on Saturday, please phone the director, Tony Trench, on 0414 878223.

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